Travelers PAC

Frequently Asked Questions

T-PAC enables us to support quality candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who understand the legislative issues that impact Travelers and our industry. Because T-PAC is funded entirely by voluntary employee contributions, our PAC will be only as strong as we make it. The participation of eligible employees will help T-PAC achieve its goals. T-PAC is an important way to exercise your voice, participate in the democratic process and help make our company stronger.
Absolutely not. Membership is voluntary and any contribution amount is welcome. If you decide to give, you don’t have to adhere to the suggested contribution amount. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. In fact, it is against the law for employers to coerce employees to join a PAC.
The Federal Election Commission defines a corporations eligible class as the corporation’s executive and administrative personnel who are U.S. citizens; the stockholders; and the families (immediate household residents) of those two groups. T-PAC restricts our eligible employees to those who are manager level 40 and above. We do not allow our stockholders or family members of the two groups to join T-PAC.
We recommend that you contribute a percentage of your base salary that reflects an appropriate level of support for T-PAC. While the recommended giving guideline for your management level is highlighted on the Edit Pledge page, any level of support is welcome. All are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest, and no one will be favored or disadvantaged in their employment because of the amount of the contribution or decision not to contribute. As a reminder, you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal.
Every dollar – 100% –- of your T-PAC contribution goes to support candidates running for office and political campaign committees. Nominal costs of operating and administering T-PAC are paid separately by Travelers.
Red Umbrella Club membership is reserved for those employees who choose to contribute at the recommended giving guideline for their management level. As a Red Umbrella Club member, you will receive exclusive membership benefits including invitations to special Red Umbrella Club events and a Congressional Directory for every legislative cycle, in addition to all T-PAC communications, election analysis and updates, and access to all T-PAC member events.
Membership in T-PAC is voluntary, and you will not be treated differently if you decide not to join. Only a few employees of Travelers who administer T-PAC are given access to membership information. Federal law requires T-PAC to report to the Federal Election Commission the identity of contributors who give more than $200 annually. There may also be reporting requirements under applicable state laws. While Travelers will not identify you as a contributor, we will offer members opportunities to attend special events.
T-PAC members are encouraged to submit the names of candidates for consideration of our support. We have established criteria to determine eligibility for support. This list includes a position of leadership in a legislative body, representation of a district with a major Travelers presence, service on a committee that has jurisdiction over issues of importance to Travelers, and the demonstration of support for legislative and regulatory issues of importance to Travelers.
Political party affiliation is not one of the criteria used to determine support for a candidate. However, you may designate that your contributions be used to support candidates of only one party, if you like. The option to do so can be found within the online pledge card here.
T-PAC’s criterion for support is limited to issues of importance to Travelers, such as tax policy, legal reform, and policies that will strengthen the business environment and overall economy.
Yes. A multicandidate PAC is limited to a maximum contribution to a federal candidate of $5,000 per election. In most election cycles (two years for the U.S. House of Representatives, six years for the U.S. Senate), that would mean allowable contributions of $5,000 for a primary and $5,000 for a general election. In cases of a special election or run-off election, this would allow a PAC an additional maximum contribution of $5,000 for each. PAC contributions to state and local candidates vary according to state and local campaign finance laws.  
No. T-PAC is not a Super PAC. A Super PAC, also known as “independent expenditure-only committee,” may not make contributions to candidate campaigns or parties.  Instead, Super PACs may engage in unlimited political spending independently of candidate campaigns. Unlike T-PAC, Super PACs can also raise funds without any legal limit on the amount of contributions.  Finally, Super PACs are able to receive contributions from corporations and unions, while T-PAC, by law, is restricted to individual contributions only.  
Individuals who join T-PAC via payroll deduction continue supporting T-PAC until they are no longer Travelers employees or they inform the T-PAC Administrator in writing of their desire to discontinue their T-PAC membership. Once a termination request is made in writing, steps will be taken to terminate an individual's payroll deduction at the next possible payroll cycle. To terminate your membership, please contact the T-PAC Administrator at (860) 277-9543 or

Who We Support

Learn more about the candidates T-PAC supports and why.
Candidates Supported

How We Compare

See how T-PAC compares to other property casualty insurance PACs.

Comparison to Other PACs