Travelers PAC

Who We Support

T-PAC makes contributions to federal and state candidates who, regardless of their party affiliation, demonstrate an understanding of the issues affecting Travelers and the insurance industry. Specifically, T-PAC makes contributions to candidates who:

  • Hold a position of leadership in a legislative body or jurisdiction.
  • Represent a state or district with a significant Travelers presence.
  • Serve on a committee that has jurisdiction over issues of importance to Travelers.
  • Support legislation, regulation and public policy positions of importance to Travelers and the financial services and insurance industries.

Requests for contributions by the T-PAC are submitted to the T-PAC Contributions Committee by members of Travelers Government Relations team and T-PAC members. Contributions must be approved by a majority of the Committee members and the Committee Chairperson, who also is Travelers Senior Vice President of Government Relations.

Finally, T-PAC produces an annual report detailing the contributions that were made during the calendar year and, where appropriate, whether the candidates won election. Below are annual reports 2014 through 2022.

Annual Reports

How We Compare

See how T-PAC compares to other property casualty insurance PACs.
Comparison to Other PACs

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Read through our FAQs here.
Read Our FAQs